以下是一位很可愛的澳洲客人Giselle 寫給我的隆乳術後感謝函(二次重修)
- Dr Sue performed my breast augmentation surgery in his Ares Clinic in Taiwan. First and for most he is the most patient doctor I have met. This was my second time having breast augmentation surgery and Doctor Sue addressed all my pre operative questions with the utmost professionalism and patience. He always gave me an honest opinion and the best advice. He made plenty of time for me pre operation so I went in for surgery completely at ease with no worries of the final result as I have a lot of faith in him. My new breasts are beautiful thanks to Doctor Sue and his lovely team of nurses I am very happy with them. The after care post op was handled with much care from Doctor Sue and his nurses, with many visits for massages to ensure the best results for me and to my satisfaction.
I thoroughly recommend doctor Sue.
I did not plan to have a fat graft to fill out my cheeks but after discussing the appearance of my face with Dr Sue he recommended a fat graft to fill out my cheeks. This procedure was also a success and has made my face look much younger. Very happy! On a personal note Doctor Sue is a kind and gentle person I can guarantee that you will feel very cared for and at ease with no nerves if you choose to have surgery under his care with amazing results.
I sincerely thank you Doctor Sue xo
and a big thank you to the nurses at Ares Clinic xo
Giselle xo